Faculty/Staff Awards

The awards below are dedicated to Faculty/Staff members at Iowa State University who excel in the support of our students and office. If you would like to nominate a faculty/staff member, please select one of the following awards.

  • The Cyclone Allyship Award

    A recipient of the Cyclone Allyship Award should show support for queer students on a consistent basis. The LGBTQIA+ community relies on allies as a resource external to the community and the recipient of this award should regularly embody that.

  • Queer Student Organization Advisor of the Year

    ​​​​​​​This award is given to a faculty or staff member that advises a student organization with conviction. The recipient of Queer Student Organization Advisor of the Year should have demonstrated exemplary support for their Student Organization and provided resources for Org Officers when necessary.

  • Champion of Queer Student Success

    ​​​​​​​This award is given to a faculty or staff member that is consistently aware of queer issues and connects students with supportive resources. A Champion of Queer Student Success listens to their queer students and understands the limitations of on-campus resources and how to help their student navigate a university setting.

  • Affirming Content and Curriculum Award

    ​​​​​​​This award is given to a faculty or staff member that creates coursework, lectures, or presentations that are inclusive of queer people. This means creating examples and choosing literature that has deliberate queer representation.


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